Wednesday, 8 February 2012

I'm not going out in that !

I can't tell you how hard I laughed earlier in the weeks as my chickens took one look a the snow and without further ado turned around and headed back into the hut. I must admit I wish i could have done the same!


  1. How funny is that! My goodness look at all that snow!

  2. What a laugh...they are switched on chooks ;)
    Thats an amazing amount of snow, so pretty to look at as long as you don't have to venture out.

    Looking at the top photo is a great way to stay cool here in the Aussie summer.
    Stay cosy ;D

  3. Great photos, who says chickens don't have brains? GG

  4. Clever girls - I wish I could have done that on Tuesday when I had to turn the car around on the ice rink that we have outside the house!


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I believe that we can change the world one bite at a time.

It's a delicious revolution.