I was tweeted last week via a friend Ren Behan to ask if I have
a rhubarb jam recipe for Thomas Blythe.
I've been meaning to post this recipe up for some time. I met
Thomas several months ago at St Johns
and he made quite an impression on me .. he's certainly not a chap you
would forget. He was charming and witty and a quintessentially
eccentric rogish English gentleman. So this recipe is for Thomas.
I delight in getting the balance of the
cheek sucking sour wince against the sugary fruit pleasure hit from this
exquisite spring treat. These slender pink stalks are charming but only when
complimented. You have to flirt with rhubarb. Alone it is sour. But
by adding sugar you still have to watch out, too little and she’s still sour,
too much and you loose her acidic wit.
This fruit tempers the richness of lamb for
example and cuts through the sugariness of vanilla cake to accentuate the best
qualities of the ingredients around it. I adore the acidity, enjoying bringing
it out in slightly unexpected ways to give a burst of sharp sour
juxtapositioned against sweet. It is this contrast and
fruitiness is not only fun to cook with but provided the things your taste buds
love. Stimulation, interest and contrast. Get Rhubarb right and it will
be love for life.
This jam, with floral overtones, has a pink
hue and natural tartness it’s delicious served over baked scones with a cup of
Earl Grey tea, sandwiched in the middle of a vanilla cake, or as the base for
trifle. I just love it, full stop. Rhubarb Jam has qualities no other fruit can
mimic. Spare jars make superb presents, yet despite my generous suggestion, I
confess to a certain reluctance to give them away!
Makes 9 x 450g jars
Prep time 35 minutes
Cooking time 15 minutes
2kg rhubarb, chopped
2kg jam sugar
Juice of 2 fresh lemons
1 Preheat the oven to 160˚C/gas mark 3 and
pop the jars (but not the lids) into the oven.
2 Put a small saucer in the fridge to
3 Place the chopped rhubarb in a large
saucepan pan, cover and heat gently for about 10 minutes. You’re almost
looking to ‘melt’ it; heated rhubarb turns from solid chunks into a thick
liquid. Stir occasionally and gently stir and keep the pan covered.
4 Once the consistency is liquid, add the
sugar and stir. When the sugar is dissolved, bring the jam to the boil for
about 5–6 minutes on a good bubble. Take the jam jars out of the oven.
5 While the jam boils, use a metal spoon to
(gently!) skim off any froth (like soap suds) that appears on the top. This
will improve the clarity of the jam. Take care not to remove too much jam,
6 Once the jam reaches setting point it
should be viscous enough to coat the back of a metal spoon. To test for setting
point, take the pot off the heat and drop a teaspoon of jam onto the cold
saucer from the fridge. Leave it for about a minute; if it’s ready, the jam
should wrinkle as you run a spoon through the centre. If it doesn’t wrinkle,
simply return the pan to the boil and repeat this process about 3 minutes
later. Note: take care not to over-boil your jam. This setting point should
really take no longer than 20 minutes at most to achieve.
7 Add the lemon juice. Stir well.
8 Ladle the jam into the jars using a jam
funnel. After 1 minute, pop the lids on – the heat from the jam will ensure the
lids are sterilised. Don’t worry if the jar lid isn’t done up tightly; you can
tighten them later once the jars have cooled.