Thursday, 6 February 2014

Oh finally .. she's had an hour to get up to date!

Khorason Sourdough.  Click here for the recipe 

I’m not really sure where to start again with the blog.  I have for a while considered just putting up a sign to say that it has come to an end, but something keeps me coming back.  So I resolve instead to do what I always advise bloggers to do when things get too much, which is to keep your posts, short, simple and straight forward.

The past few months have been crazily busy, so I shall endeavour to keep it brief.  The Kitchen Garden School is in full swing and I've gone back to my origin training and love as baker.  Once a baker always a baker. All that time at college and in the bakeries in France is now more relevant than ever.  I remember my mother telling me that it was a string to my bow, and if all else failed in life I would always have a job baking. Despite there being times in my life when the only baking I have done was for family and friends it has stood me in good stead.  It was sound advice. 

My agent has my book proposal. I am now waiting to hear back with details.  It’s really exciting, but I'm wondered where on earth I would have times to fit it all in but then I’ve not had a moment to dwell on it.  I will just have to find the time, and will think about it when the times comes. 

Fabulous tutorial day with Dan Lepard

 I’m constantly dedicated to considering our ingredient choices in our food and drink.  We have the ability to change people’s lives by supporting fair and ethical food and in March I am off to India to do visit a Fairtrade tea plantation.  I’m thrilled to be going. In the mean time I have been baking and teaching sourdough courses, developing recipes and photographing them.  It’s time consuming to say the least.  My children are growing up in front of my eyes and I feel old all of a sudden. I don’t mean old as in decrepit, but I am tried, pushing myself every day and can’t remember the last time I had the inclination or the desire to got out and have fun.  Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, but the house, the garden, the children and teaching and now trying to loose those oh so unwanted pounds gives me little time for anything else.

I love that my daughter is growing up understanding the importance of the provenance of  food.  She chatted to everyone about keeping chickens and how they lay the eggs we use in our baking.  
I’ve been to the gym two nights in a row, and I’m trying to stick the paleao diet.  Quite a challenge for a baker I can tell you. No doubt I will feel better when I have lost some weight.

We’ve run some super tutorial groups over the past few months, including Dan Lepard teaching a Sweet Sourdough course, and Vivien Lloyd showing us how to make homemade marmalade to perfection.  I t turns out that for that past 25 years I have been making shockingly bad marmalade, so after a day with Vivien I am hoping to enter this years marmalade awards.  I just have to make another pot or two first.

Sweet Sourdough

I’ve also taken on the job of being Bakerybits official inhouse baker, testing new products and developing recipes. I am really enjoying it. I sometimes have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming to check that I really I earn my living baking all sorts of delicious breads, cakes, muffins, pancakes, pies and tarts.   Yes I know ..  it’s no wonder I have to loose some weight, but don’t worry I am not about to become an obsessive I lose a 1lb this week kind of blogger!

So I shall pepper this post with some images that capture the past few months best, and try to keep posting more often.  Thank you for staying to read.




  1. I will always read whatever you have to say, Vanessa...your trains of thought are fascinating and I always learn something new! Keep going with do a brilliant job xx

  2. Somehow your blog reminders have been lost to my linking system and as I fumble around my own blog I really don't know how to fix it, but anyhow I have found you!
    You sound so busy.... but as long as you love what you do and who would love being a baker. Tough trying to lose weight with that occupation though. But they say less weight more energy or something like that. Good to finally catch up with you.

  3. So pleased to have found you, everything came together, I had Khorason in the cupboard, and your recipe included so many things I wanted to try: autolyse, folding method, and you also said I could bake from the fridge. Many thanks.

  4. Thank for you for posting this. I've just tried your Khorasan Sourdough recipe. There were several firsts for me: autolyse, no kneeding, overnight 2nd prove, and baking straight from the fridge. Courses are very interesting.


If you are reading my blog I must warn you that I am not impartial. I want to influence you. I want to make you stop for just a moment and consider the effect of a lifetime of seemingly insignificant decisions and how making small delicious choices can change the world.

I believe that we can change the world one bite at a time.

It's a delicious revolution.