Wednesday 26 January 2011

Final Editing and Testing

I'm on the last stretch. It's like it is always blackest before dawn. I keep coming across silly mistakes and minor details that will make the difference between this being average book and it being a seriously fabulous bible.

To be fair two of my recipe testers have brought at least 2 serious details to my attention. Firstly Audrey Dean as she tested the Plum and cardamon Victoria sandwich cake. What could go wrong with that I thought! Well 2 lots of 250g of butter .. I just hadn't spotted it!

Then there was the typo spotted in the Caraway and Parmesan Muffins by Caroline von Schmalensee of Edinburgh foodie - not 25ml of milk - but 250ml ! rather a difference!

The Pancake mix could have ended up as a total disaster as I mixed the two cup measurements up and Renaka Behan spotted the mistake and gave me some great tips.

I had NO idea when I started writing a recipe book the extraordinary detail involved. Detail has NEVER been my strong point so I am reliant upon my testers to spot things that quite honestlyI just don't see. I'm so close the the recipes that I am almost blind to some of the faults. Thank goodness for the testing team!

I should add at this point that almost every single tester has had superb suggestions to instructions and tips and techniques that have been added to the recipes. It does really feel like a team effort!
I'd also like to mention whilst on the subject that i have several testers who have really gone above and beyond - Jayne of Jaynerly Alethea Julia and Helen a special thanks!

I am so looking forward to the June launch and meeting the team - I think it what is keeping me going!

In the mean time if anyone fancies testing these then please get in touch !

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If you are reading my blog I must warn you that I am not impartial. I want to influence you. I want to make you stop for just a moment and consider the effect of a lifetime of seemingly insignificant decisions and how making small delicious choices can change the world.

I believe that we can change the world one bite at a time.

It's a delicious revolution.