It’s just two days until Christmas. If we can all kick the colds we’ve caught and I get the chance to wrap the children’s Christmas presents up then things could go according to plan. This year we are at home. We have friends joining us for Christmas Lunch and I’ve decided on a five-rib rack of beef. I ordered this over 5 weeks ago from Sauls of Spratton so it’s been well hung!
If you are wondering about the Fabulous Carol in this clip - It’s sung by the choir I sing with - it is the Northampton Bach Choir and as part of the 75year anniversary celebrations a CD of Carols was commissioned -You can find out more by clicking here.
After 5 not great attempts at making the sort of Barfi that I buy in the Indian quarter on Belgrave Road in Leicester for Prepped! I called Dharmesh who owns Bobby’s Restaurant in Leicester and asked for advice. He immediately said he’d lend me his wonderful chef Depak Modak , who is in this video below and showed me just how to make it!
I’ve modified Depak Modak’s recipe with just one addition - orange zest - otherwise this is the exact recipe.
Makes 12 pieces
Preparation 5 minutes
Cooking time 5 minutes
200ml cold water
120g ghee.
500g full fat milk powder
200ml warm water
160g sugar
one tsp cardamom powder
Zest of 1 orange
70 g chopped Pistachio’s and Almonds
1 tsp vegetable oil
1 Put the Milk powder into a large bowl. In a saucepan heat the water and 100g of ghee. Once at boiling point pour onto the milk solids and mix well with a spoon. You can then use your hand to mix once the temperature has come down.
2 In the same saucepan add a further 20g of ghee, another 200ml of water, the sugar and the cardamom powder. Heat to dissolve the sugar. Turn the milk powder mix into the pan and add the orange zest. Mix well over a high heat for just one minute and then turn onto an oiled tray.
3 Scatted with chopped nuts and leave to set for 4 – 5 hours . Cut into shapes. Use with a week. Keep cool.
I also took a moment to work out the price of this recipe for the quantities used.
It’s a rough estimate but her goes
£0.75 ghee
£2.25 milk powder
£0.25 orange
£0.75 chopped nuts
£0.05 tsp cardamom powder
Total cost £4.05 / 12 pieces = 33p each
It's the first opportunity I have had for some down time! I haven't actually had a day off work since I stopped work to write Prepped! Some of my twitter friends may recall that I went to my friend Gill's house last night to make a Christmas wreath. .. she's the most amazing florist and oversaw me making this.. . it really does declare Christmas for me when I hang it. It's official .. it's just 10 sleeps until Christmas .. and I am soooo enjoying a break to do Christmas the old fashioned way !
There is a restaurant in Leicester called Bobby’s. Today I went there to learn how to make real Barfi as they make the most incredible Indian sweets but I shall blog about that tomorrow. For now I’d like to share my lunch. A review if you like! Bobby’s has been in the same family since 1976 and with good reason. It makes the most amazing and utterly delicious vegetarian food to cater for the large population demanding authentic food from India.
The food is mainly from Gujarat in Western India and Indo China has made it on to the menu too. But today I went for the buffet option and a sweet lassie to drink. At just £6.99 for the buffet it’s brilliant value. There is Rice, japatti bread, Dahl, potato curry, bean curry, chutney, and several other delicious breads and cakes I just can’t pronounce .. but they are delicious! Don’t expect to hang out in a plush sumptuous maharaja palace though.. Bobby’s is all about the food, and believe me it really is such a seriously fabulous combination of spices, vegetables and bread that you don’t need fancy fittings and fixtures. You will be fixated on your dishes.
Frequented by locals, chattering, smiling greeting each other in a wonderful community way, it’s always lively and welcoming. . It’s clean. It’s consistent. It’s inexpensive and I suppose it really says something when you’ve been eating in a place for over 25 years and it is still just as fantastic as the first time. So for me there is no better restaurant in Leicester.. so please pop in .. ask about what to eat if you are unsure and enjoy a real Indian feast.
Plum Cobbler .. or Plum Slum as I've been informed it is known as in America is so welcome at this time of year. It is the 5th from last recipe to be developed for this book and despite being able to make it in my sleep... well almost in my sleep .. it has to be weighed and measured accurately . So hear I am at 10:30pm taking it out of the oven and Blogging about it. I am also eating it and I can tell you it is delicious. Well worth staying up late for. The spice in it lifts and the aroma of scone dumplings and bake plums with cardamon and cinnamon and nutmeg wafting about the house make writing the recipe up a delightful job.
Until just a few moths ago I had never heard of a BLAD. It certainly doesn't sound very glam. In fact the first time I heard it was from a book store manager in Waterstones in Oxford who said he'd very much look forward to seeing my BLAD. I wondered for a split second if he had a speech impediment and meant BRAD ( although quite why I'd be in there I have no idea!) Not one to nod and pretend I asked what is a BLAD. He was kind enough to explain that it stands for Book Layout And Design which is what the book sellers use to give to the book shops to show them how Prepped! will look. If they like it, they will order it. Copies also go the media and book reviewers.
300ml of orange Syrup left over from the Christmas Pudding.
6 egg whites
120g caster sugar
Preheat the oven 100°C/gas 1/4
1 Heat the syrup in a pan to just below boiling. In a clean bowl whisk the egg whites until they are fluffy. 3 to 4 minutes should do. Once they are fluffy and white and form soft peaks. Don’t stop the beating here, just slowly add a tablespoon at a time of the sugar syrup until it is all dissolved.
2 Then add the sugar - gently does it because tipping it all in at once knocks the air out of the eggs. Stopping beating the eggs means you knock the air out as you restart beating them. So a flow of continuous beating gets the best results.
3 Dollop the mixture onto greaseproof paper and bake for 2 hours.
Turn the oven off and leave in the oven allowing them to cool.
Keep in an air tight containerIf there is one thing that I love about the snow it is the prefect excuse to drink hot chocolate. The thing about hot chocolate is that it has to be right. Not too hot, not too cold. Not too bitter but not too sweet. As you can tell I am very particular about how it tastes, but I am also particular about it provenance. Organic is just better. The other thing I find about hot chocolate is that when I am out and about and I order one then everyone wants a cup. It gets expensive. It's not that I begrudge a cafe the money, but more often than not it's not to my taste and then with 5 of us .. it's jolly expensive for a mediocre cup and a cafe is usually miles away as we live in the countryside!
The question of where I get my inspiration from is probably the thing I get asked the most. Well just this morning I was shopping for some ingredients and there were the most glorious oysters on the fish counter. Never one to miss an opportunity for delicious food the fishmonger opened them for me as I stood and imagined how they would taste. A little lemon to go with them I thought. I love their saltiness, the soft flesh slipping effortlessly down my throat, finished with a sip of champagne. It's no accident they go so well together, but I find somethings can be improved on. so I scattered them with finely cut shallots and chives, and added just a drop of my lemon syrup to each oyster. Perfect for the Lemon chapter! Now I've finished photographing them I am going to eat them for lunch. Their saltiness exaggerated by the citrus and sugar in the syrup. It just a shame I can't have some champagne... but I've the school run to do in a minute!