Wednesday, 22 June 2011

I've been Nominated for the Observer Monthly Food Awards!


I don't generally go for awards and I certainly had no intention of going for the Observer Monthly Food Awards - Why? I suppose it makes me feel judged and so I avoid these kind of things, however that said I was tickled pink to get a tweet from a lovely lady called Jules who runs a supper club ( a fabulous supper club I might add) called The Secret Supper Society. The Tweet read

Vanessa I have nominated Prepped for the best cookery book in the Observer Monthly Food Awards. This... yes .. this tweet meant more to me that winning it. Just being nominated made my day .. Jules you made me feel like I had won, as has everyone else who has tweeted me since has done the same.

Will I canvass support? Well yes I'll admit I've asked a few friends to vote.. I even asked my husband *laughing* but this time it's not the winning that matters .. as far as I am concerned I have already been judged and won by the very fact I've been nominated.

The panel of judges is impressive including Nigel Slater, Allan Jenkins, Tim Hayward, Jay Rayner, Jo Barnes and Jason Atherton and Gareth Grundy. A seriously impressive line up of extraordinary talent.

Simply by participating in voting in these awards and picking your favourite foodie personalities of the year you can win a huge assortment of prize. I've voted for Helen at Fuss Free Flavours as my favourite blog of the year.

I wish all participants the very best of luck and if you have bought a copy of Prepped and feel a desire to vote for me then click here before the 24th June ... . but whatever the outcome ... I am already celebrating!



a list of prizes include

A wine lover's trip to Bordeaux 

• A meal for four at Dinner by Heston Blumenthal 

• An overnight stay and Michelin-starred lunch at The Manor House in Wiltshire 

• A year's supply of Riverford Organic vegetables 

• A Gourmet Picnic hamper (for two winners) 

• A Weber One Touch premium BBQ with tool set 

• A personal wine tutorial and dinner at Orrery in Marylebone 

• Afternoon tea at Bar Boulud 

• Tickets to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition plus dinner at the Royal Academy restaurant 

• A year's supply of CafĂ©direct coffee and Presso coffee-maker 

• Harvey Jones chopping boards (for 10 winners)

• A tour of London's Sipsmith distillery for 10, plus a bottle each to take home

For more information about the prizes including the

full terms and conditions click here.


  1. yey! That's great news! :O)I was more than happy to vote, and didn't even realise there were prizes up for grabs too!

    well done you x

  2. well done Vannessa, a very well deserved nomination!

  3. Well done. As above more than happy to nominate you. It is a great book, as you know I am & are using your recipes. The risotto was really great & we enjoyed it. Well done again - good luck. xx

  4. Omg you can go in for two categories; best blog and best book and you should win!!! Well done honey. Your book is fabulous but we may have to go head to head over a canapé to win the best blog!!


If you are reading my blog I must warn you that I am not impartial. I want to influence you. I want to make you stop for just a moment and consider the effect of a lifetime of seemingly insignificant decisions and how making small delicious choices can change the world.

I believe that we can change the world one bite at a time.

It's a delicious revolution.