Monday 27 June 2011

Dash and Grab Cookie Manoeuvre


I've a busy few months coming up, and indeed this week is no exception. On Friday I was in both Rushden and Kingsthorpe Waitrose's signing Prepped. Saturday I was in Cambridge at Waterstones doing the same.

I decided that the best way to entice people to me is to bribe them over with food .. so I made the chocolate cookies from page 206 . I must say in the main people where delightful, although there were two people, separately, who literally walked up to my table without as much as hello and in a sort of dash and grab maneuver they helped themselves to a large handful of cookies, and made away in haste without a solitary word!

Well ... I was in such shock I didn't say anything ! Although perhaps excuse me .. but you left one! at the top of my voice was what I should have shouted after them!

.. Still ... I guess you have to be prepared to meet all sorts of people .. but truthfully it's been really fun, especially to meet some of the lovely people ( such as Kelly below in the photo) who have been following me !

After the signing in Waterstones I met up with a fabulous foodie and good friend, Douglas Blyde and ate one of the most delicious meals I've eaten in a long time at Alimentum in Hills Road. Look out for the blog post about this planned for later week!

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  1. its the Prepped World Tour... coming to Lincolnshire? I'll prep the red carpet xx

  2. Oh Vanessa, this made me laugh! On my monthly farmer's Market stall (coincidentally the next one is tomorrow!) I collect quotes of the recent favourite was a woman who looked at my Peanut Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes. "Hmmm, difficult. You see I love peanuts, & I love chocolate...but I can't bear truffles. I had a mushroom & truffle risotto the other week & it was horrible - far too strong" Me (with my jaw dropping): " these aren't those sort of truffle...!" Her: "well why do you call them that then?" Me: "Have you never had a chocolate truffle?" Her: "oh yeah...!" The other pet hate I have is parents who use my stall as a creche (go & see the Cake Lady) so they can shop in peace (though not at my stall...) before heading off to McDonalds. My recent favourite was a father whose child was begging him for one of my all-natural-ingredients cupcakes. He shouted "No! I've told you already, we're going to Greggs!" Give me strength! So don't worry about the oddballs..the ones who don't meet your have a fantastic book as we all know & it will be a bestseller this Summer I predict! xo Rachel

  3. Hi Rachel .. hilarious ! It's the dash and grab manouver that makes me laugh the most !

  4. You're so much smarter than me! At my first ever book signing (Waterstone's in Perth) I just felt absolutely mortified and deliberately avoided catching anyone's eye in case they thought I was trying to sell them something - which of course I was! I felt completely overwhelmed by being 'out there' and realised the next day that I had better get my act together otherwise I was not going to enjoy being a 'published' author. I do vividly remember almost the first person who came up for the signing using the classic line 'It's not for me, you understand,' apologetically. As if you had to be really desperate to buy my book. Have grown a back bone since then, fortunately. Anyway, just want to say that I came across you on facebook and have now ordered your book and wish you loads and loads of success and FUN! Wishing you happiness in what you have achieved.


If you are reading my blog I must warn you that I am not impartial. I want to influence you. I want to make you stop for just a moment and consider the effect of a lifetime of seemingly insignificant decisions and how making small delicious choices can change the world.

I believe that we can change the world one bite at a time.

It's a delicious revolution.